.. _deb_install: Installing Debian packages -------------------------- At the time of writing Debian packages are available that run with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (64bit) and Debian Squeeze (64bit) or Debian Wheezy (64bit). If you want to install LinOTP on another distribution, you should use the installation way described in :ref:`pip_install`. The LinOTP Debian packages depend on the following software you need to install:: apt-get install python-simplejson python-crypto python-docutils python-sqlalchemy \ python-pylons python-tempita python-weberror python-webob python-mako \ python-nose python-decorator python-formencode python-pastescript \ python-pastedeploy python-paste python-beaker python-webhelpers \ python-routes python-pygments python-m2crypto apache2 \ libapache2-mod-wsgi python-repoze.who pwgen python-pyrad \ python-configobj python-netaddr python-migrate \ python-httplib2 In addition you need to install the python-qrcode package which you can download from the following link:: http://www.linotp.org/apt/debian/dists/squeeze/linotp/all/python-qrcode_2.5.1-1_all.deb and which you can install with the following command:: dpkg -i python-qrcode_2.5.1-1_all.deb .. note:: if you have problems installing the python-qrcode from the download link, consider installing it from the platform repositories. See the section below :ref:`installing_from_apt` If your users are located in an LDAP or Active Directory you also need to install the python LDAP package:: apt-get install python-ldap If you will use MySQL or PostgreSQL as either tokenstore or userstore you need to install the corresponding DB module:: apt-get install python-mysqldb python-psycopg2 Install the LinOTP packages:: dpkg -i linotp__all.deb \ linotp-useridresolver__all.deb \ linotp-smsprovider__all.deb Some configuration screens will pop up, when installing the linotp package. This configuration will take care of creating the logging directory ``/var/log/linotp`` and creating an encryption key ``/etc/linotp2/encKey``. .. note:: The encryption key should be backed up to a safe location. You may rerun the configuration any time by issuing the command:: dpkg-reconfigure linotp .. note:: During reconfiguration you are asked, if you want to create a new encryption key. If you do so, you will not be able to read your old data in the token database. But the encryption key is backed up to /etc/linotp2/encKey.old. If you did not choose to create the token database during the configuration, you may now create the token database as described in section :ref:`setup_token_database`. .. _installing_from_apt: Installing from APT repositories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The LinOTP components are also available via two apt repositories. You can use this method to install the LinOTP server and also the client components on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (64bit), Debian Squeeze (64bit) or Debian Wheezy (64bit). .. note:: Instead of installing LinOTP on Debian Squeeze you could use our Virtual Appliance (currently based on Squeeze), that includes all required repositories and packages. Ubuntu 12.04 ............ The repository is hosted on launchpad, so that you can do a simple:: add-apt-repository ppa:linotp/stable apt-get update Now you can start the installation of LinOTP with:: apt-get install linotp Debian ....... The repository is hosted on linotp.org. For Debian Squeeze (64bit) add the following line to your ``/etc/apt/source.list``:: deb http://linotp.org/apt/debian squeeze linotp Respectively for Debian Wheezy (64bit) add the following line to your ``/etc/apt/source.list``:: deb http://linotp.org/apt/debian wheezy linotp You have to import the LinOTP GPG key to verify the packages:: gpg --search-keys 913DFF12F86258E5 gpg --export 913DFF12F86258E5 | apt-key add - You can install the packages:: apt-get update apt-get install linotp apt-get install linotp-useridresolver apt-get install linotp-smsprovider apt-get install linotp-adminclient apt-get install libpam-linotp If you want you can explicitly install the python-qrcode package from our repositories:: apt-get install python-qrcode