linotp.lib.policy package

policy processing

exception linotp.lib.policy.AuthorizeException(description='unspecified error!')

Bases: LinotpError

exception linotp.lib.policy.MaxTokenRealmPolicyException(description='unspecified error!')

Bases: PolicyException

Token count policy violation in a realm.

error_code = 413
exception linotp.lib.policy.MaxTokenTypeUserPolicyException(description='unspecified error!')

Bases: PolicyException

Token count policy violation of a user for a single token type.

error_code = 412
exception linotp.lib.policy.MaxTokenUserPolicyException(description='unspecified error!')

Bases: PolicyException

Token count policy violation of a user across all token types.

error_code = 411
exception linotp.lib.policy.PolicyException(description='unspecified error!')

Bases: LinotpError

Generic exception class for unspecified policy violations.

error_code = 410

Return the status of autoassigment forwarding.

this function checks the policy scope=enrollment, action=autoassignment This is a boolean policy. The function returns true, if autoassignment is defined.

linotp.lib.policy.checkAdminAuthorization(policies, serial, user, fitAllRealms=False)

This function checks if the token object defined by either “serial” or “user” is in the corresponding realm, where the admin has access to / fits to the given policy.

fitAllRealms: If set to True, then the administrator must have rights

in all realms of the token. e.g. for deleting tokens.


True: if admin is allowed False: if admin is not allowed

linotp.lib.policy.checkAuthorisation(scope, method)

Check if the authenticated user has the right to do the given action.

  • scope – scope of the policy to be checked

  • method – the requested action


nothing if authorized, else raise PolicyException

linotp.lib.policy.checkOTPPINPolicy(pin, user)

This function checks the given PIN (OTP PIN) against the policy returned by the function


It returns a dictionary:
{‘success’: True/False,

‘error’: errortext}

At the moment this works for the selfservice portal

linotp.lib.policy.checkPolicyPost(controller, method, param=None, user=None)

This function will check policies after a successful action in a controller. E.g. this can be setting a random PIN after successfully enrolling a token.

  • controller – the controller context

  • method – the calling action

  • param – This is a dictionary with the necessary parameters.

  • auth_user – This is the authenticated user. For the selfservice this will be the user in the selfservice portal, for admin or manage it will be the administrator


It returns a dictionary with the necessary results. These depend on the controller.

linotp.lib.policy.checkPolicyPre(controller, method, param=None, authUser=None, user=None)

This function will check for all policy definition for a certain controller/method It is run directly before doing the action in the controller. I will raise an exception, if it fails.


param – This is a dictionary with the necessary parameters.


dictionary with the necessary results. These depend on the controller.

linotp.lib.policy.checkToolsAuthorisation(method, param=None)
linotp.lib.policy.check_auth_serial(serial, exception=False, user=None)

Checks if the token with the serial number matches the serial authorize policy scope=authoriztaion, action=serial

  • serial (string) – The serial number of the token to check

  • exception (boolean) – If “True” an exception is raised instead of returning False

  • user (User object) – User to narrow down the policy



Return type


linotp.lib.policy.check_auth_tokentype(serial, exception=False, user=None)

Checks if the token type of the given serial matches the tokentype policy.


True/False - returns true or false or raises an exception if exception=True


parse reporting policies for given realm and user :param realm: the realm to be reported :return: list of status like [assigned, active&unassigned, total]

linotp.lib.policy.check_user_authorization(login, realm, exception=False)

check if the given user/realm is in the given policy. The realm may contain the wildcard ‘*’, then the policy holds for all realms. If no username or ‘*’ is given, the policy holds for all users.


login - loginname of the user realm - realm of the user exception - wether it should return True/False or raise an Exception

linotp.lib.policy.createRandomPin(user, min_pin_length)

create a random pin

  • min_pin_length – the requested minimum pin length

  • user – user defines the realm/user policy selection


the new pin

linotp.lib.policy.delete_on_authentication_exceed(user, realms=None)

returns True if the token should be disable, if max auth count is reached

linotp.lib.policy.disable_on_authentication_exceed(user, realms=None)

returns True if the token should be disable, if max auth count is reached

linotp.lib.policy.getAdminPolicies(action, scope='admin')

This internal function returns the policies (default: of scope=admin) for the currently authenticated administrativ user.__builtins__

  • action – this is the action (like enable, disable, init…)

  • scope – scope of the policies, might be admin, monitoring, reporting.access


a dictionary with the following keys:

  • active (if policies are used)

  • realms (the realms, in which the admin is allowed to do this action)

  • resolvers (the resolvers in which the admin is allowed to perform this action)

  • admin (the name of the authenticated admin user)

linotp.lib.policy.getOTPPINEncrypt(serial=None, user=None)

This function returns, if the otppin should be stored as an encrpyted value


Returns true, if the autosms policy is set in one of the realms.


True or False


list of realms

linotp.lib.policy.get_auth_challenge_response(user, ttype)

returns True, if the user in this realm with this token type should be authenticated via Challenge Response

  • user – the user object

  • ttype – the type of the token




Returns the list of all forwarding servers.


returns True, if the user in this realm should be forwarded in case the user has no tokens assigned.


returns True, if the user in this realm should be always authenticated in case the user has no tokens assigned.


returns True, if the user in this realm should be authenticated against the UserIdResolver in case the user has no tokens assigned.


this function checks the policy scope=enrollment, action=autoenrollment This policy policy returns the tokentyp: sms or email The function returns true, if autoenrollment is defined.


this function checks the policy scope=enrollment, action=autoassignment This is a boolean policy. The function returns true, if autoassignment is defined.

this function checks the policy scope=enrollment,



the realm where the tokens should be taken from


Check if autoassigment without password for the user is allowed.



linotp.lib.policy.get_partition(realms, user)

Get the partition (key pair identifier) that should be used.


lookup for the pin policies - the list of policies is preserved for repeated lookups

: raises: exception, if more then one pin policies are matching


user – the policies which are applicable to the user


list of otppin id’s

linotp.lib.policy.get_single_auth_policy(policy_name, user=None, realms=None)

Retrieves a policy value and checks if the value is consistent across realms.

  • policy_name – the name of the policy, e.g: * qrtoken_pairing_callback_url * qrtoken_pairing_callback_sms * qrtoken_challenge_response_url * qrtoken_challenge_response_sms

  • realms – the realms that his policy should be effective in

linotp.lib.policy.get_tokenissuer(serial, user='', realm='', description='')

Get the token issuer.

This internal function returns the issuer of the token as defined in policy scope = enrollment, action = tokenissuer = <string> The string can have the following variables:

<u>: user <r>: realm <s>: token serial <d>: the token description

This function is used to create ‘otpauth’ tokens

  • user – the user login string

  • realm – the realm of the user

  • serial – the token serial

  • description – the token description


the tokenlabel string - default is ‘LinOTP’

linotp.lib.policy.get_tokenlabel(serial, user='', realm='', description='')

Get the label for a token.

This internal function returns the naming of the token as defined in policy scope = enrollment, action = tokenname = <string> The string can have the following variables: - <u>: user - <r>: realm - <s>: token serial - <d>: the token description

This function is used to create ‘otpauth’ tokens

  • user – the user login string

  • realm – the realm of the user

  • serial – the token serial

  • description – the token description


the tokenlabel string - default is user or serial


Should autoassignment pin be ignored?

This function checks the policy

scope=enrollment, action=ignore_autoassignment_pin

This is a boolean policy. The function returns true, if the password used in the autoassignment should not be set as token pin.

linotp.lib.policy.is_auth_return(success=True, user=None)
returns True if the policy

scope = authorization action = detail_on_success/detail_on_fail is set.


success (bool) – Defines if we should check of the policy detaul_on_success (True) or detail_on_fail (False)

linotp.lib.policy.parse_policy(composite_key, value)

Parses policy data from a config entry

linotp.lib.policy.purge_enrollment_token(user, realm=None)

Get status of enrollment token purging.

lookup in the policies if the rollout token should be removed after the successfull login with a second token


user – the token owner



linotp.lib.policy.set_realm(login, realm, exception=False)

this function reads the policy scope: authorization, client: x.y.z, action: setrealm=new_realm and overwrites the existing realm of the user with the new_realm. This can be used, if the client is not able to pass a realm and the users are not be located in the default realm.


realm - name of the new realm taken from the policy

linotp.lib.policy.supports_offline(realms, token)

Check if offline is allowed for the given token.

  • realms – the realms to be checked

  • token – the token to be checked

:returns bool


Trigger a phone call on empty pin?

returns true if a check_s should be allowed to trigger an phone call for the voice token


Status, if a check_s should be allowed to trigger an sms.
