# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# LinOTP - the open source solution for two factor authentication
# Copyright (C) 2010 - 2014 LSE Leading Security Experts GmbH
# This file is part of LinOTP server.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public
# License, version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the
# GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# E-mail: linotp@lsexperts.de
# Contact: www.linotp.org
# Support: www.lsexperts.de
This file containes the standard token definitions:
- OCRATokenClass
It also contains the base class "TokenClass", that you may use to
define your own tokenclasses.
You can add your own Tokens by adding the modules comma seperated to the
directive 'linotpTokenModules' in the linotp.ini file.
depends on several modules from linotp.lib but also in case of VascoTokenClass
on linotp.lib.ImportOTP.vasco
import re
import binascii
import logging
import time
import hashlib
import datetime
import traceback
from linotp.lib.error import TokenAdminError
from linotp.lib.error import ParameterError
from linotp.lib.util import getParam
from linotp.lib.util import generate_otpkey
from linotp.lib.config import getFromConfig
from linotp.lib.user import getUserResolverId
from linotp.lib.crypt import decryptPin
from linotp.lib.crypt import encryptPin
from linotp.lib.crypt import kdf2
from linotp.lib.crypt import urandom
from linotp.lib.crypt import createNonce
from linotp.lib.policy import get_qrtan_url
### TODO: move this as ocra specific methods
from linotp.lib.token import getRolloutToken4User
from linotp.lib.util import normalize_activation_code
from linotp.lib.ocra import OcraSuite
from linotp.model import OcraChallenge
from linotp.model.meta import Session
from linotp.lib.reply import create_img
from linotp.lib.apps import create_google_authenticator_url
from linotp.lib.apps import create_oathtoken_url
from linotp.lib.validate import check_pin
from linotp.lib.validate import check_otp
from linotp.lib.validate import split_pin_otp
from sqlalchemy import asc, desc
#from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import in_
from pylons.i18n.translation import _
# needed for ocra token
import urllib
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
optional = True
required = False
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class TokenClass(object):
def __init__(self, token):
self.type = ''
self.token = token
## the info is a generic container, to store token specific processing info
## which could be retrieved in the controllers
self.info = {}
self.hKeyRequired = False
self.mode = ['authenticate', 'challenge']
def setType(self, typ):
typ = u'' + typ
self.type = typ
def getClassType(cls):
return None
def getClassPrefix(cls):
return "UNK"
def getType(self):
return self.token.getType()
def addToInfo(self, key, value):
self.info[key] = value
return self.info
def setInfo(self, info):
if type(info) not in (dict):
raise Exception("Info setting: wron data type - msut be dict")
self.info = info
return self.info
[docs] def getInfo(self):
getInfo - return the status of the token rollout
:return: return the status dict.
:rtype: dict
log.debug('[getInfo] %r' % (self.info))
return self.info
[docs] def checkOtp(self, anOtpVal1, counter, window, options=None):
This checks the OTP value, AFTER the upper level did
the checkPIN
counter of the matching OTP value.
return -1
[docs] def getOtp(self, curtTime=""):
The default token does not support getting the otp value
will return something like::
1, pin, otpval, combined
a negative value is a failure.
return (-2, 0, 0, 0)
[docs] def get_multi_otp(self, count=0, epoch_start=0, epoch_end=0, curTime=None):
This returns a dictionary of multiple future OTP values of a token.
count - how many otp values should be returned
epoch_start - time based tokens: start when
epoch_end - time based tokens: stop when
error text
OTP dictionary
return (False, "get_multi_otp not implemented for this tokentype", {})
### new highlevel interface which covers the checkPin and checkOTP
[docs] def authenticate(self, passw, user, options=None):
This is the method that verifies single shot authentication like
they are done with push button tokens.
It is a high level interface to support as well other tokens, which
do not have a pin and otp seperation - they could overwrite
this method
**remarks:** we have to call the global methods (check_pin,++) as they
take the pin policies into account
:param passw: the passw which could be pin+otp
:type passw: string
:param user: The authenticating user
:type user: User object
:param options: dictionary of additional request parameters
:type options: (dict)
:return: returns tuple true or false for the pin match, the otpcounter (int)
and the reply (dict) that will be added as additional information in
the JSON response of ``/validate/check``.
pin_match = False
otp_counter = -1
reply = None
(res, pin, otpval) = split_pin_otp(self, passw, user, options=options)
if res != -1:
pin_match = check_pin(self, pin, user=user, options=options)
if pin_match is True:
otp_counter = check_otp(self, otpval, options=options)
return (pin_match, otp_counter, reply)
### challenge interfaces starts here
[docs] def is_challenge_request(self, passw, user, options=None):
This method checks, if this is a request, that triggers a challenge.
The default behaviour to trigger a challenge is,
if the ``passw`` parameter only contains the correct token pin *and*
the request contains a ``data`` or a ``challenge`` key i.e. if the
``options`` parameter contains a key ``data`` or ``challenge``.
Each token type can decide on its own under which condition a challenge
is triggered by overwriting this method.
**please note**: in case of pin policy == 2 (no pin is required)
the ``check_pin`` would always return true! Thus each request
containing a ``data`` or ``challenge`` would trigger a challenge!
:param passw: password, which might be pin or pin+otp
:type passw: string
:param user: The user from the authentication request
:type user: User object
:param options: dictionary of additional request parameters
:type options: dict
:return: true or false
request_is_valid = False
pin_match = check_pin(self, passw, user=user, options=options)
if pin_match is True:
if "data" in options or "challenge" in options:
request_is_valid = True
return request_is_valid
[docs] def is_challenge_response(self, passw, user, options=None, challenges=None):
This method checks, if this is a request, that is the response to
a previously sent challenge.
The default behaviour to check if this is the response to a
previous challenge is simply by checking if the request contains
a parameter ``state`` or ``transactionid`` i.e. checking if the
``options`` parameter contains a key ``state`` or ``transactionid``.
This method does not try to verify the response itself!
It only determines, if this is a response for a challenge or not.
:param passw: password, which might be pin or pin+otp
:type passw: string
:param user: the requesting user
:type user: User object
:param options: dictionary of additional request parameters
:type options: (dict)
:param challenges: A list of challenges for this token. These challenges may be used, to identify
if this request is a response for a challenge.
:return: true or false
challenge_response = False
if "state" in options or "transactionid" in options:
challenge_response = True
## we leave out the checkOtp, which is done later
## either in checkResponse4Challenge
## or in the check pin+otp
return challenge_response
[docs] def is_challenge_valid(self, challenge=None):
This method verifies if the given challenge is still valid.
The default implementation checks, if the challenge start is in the
default validity time window.
**Please note**: This method does not check the response for the
challenge itself. This is done by the method
E.g. this very method ``is_challenge_valid`` is used by the method
to clean up old challenges.
:param challenge: The challenge to be checked
:type challenge: challenge object
:return: true or false
validity = 120
ret = False
validity = int(getFromConfig('DefaultChallengeValidityTime', 120))
## handle the token specific validity
typ = self.getType()
if typ == 'sms':
lookup_for = 'SMSProviderTimeout'
lookup_for = typ.capitalize() + 'ChallengeValidityTime'
validity = int(getFromConfig(lookup_for, validity))
## instance specific timeout
validity = int(self.getFromTokenInfo('challenge_validity_time',
except ValueError:
validity = 120
if challenge is not None:
c_start_time = challenge.get('timestamp')
c_now = datetime.datetime.now()
if (c_now < c_start_time + datetime.timedelta(seconds=validity)
and c_now > c_start_time):
ret = True
return ret
[docs] def initChallenge(self, transactionid, challenges=None, options=None):
This method initializes the challenge.
This is a hook that is called before the method
:py:meth:`~linotp.lib.tokenclass.TokenClass.createChallenge`, which
will only be called if this method returns success==true.
Thus this method can be used, to verify if there is an outstanding challenge
or if a new challenge needs to be created.
E.g. this hook can be used, to implement a blocking mechanism to
allow the creation of a new challenge only after a certain timeout.
If there is an already outstanding challenge the return value can refer to this.
(s. ticket #2986)
:param transactionid: the id of the new challenge
:type transactionid: string
:param options: the request parameters
:type options: dict
:param challenges: a list of all valid challenges for this token.
:type challenges: list
:return: tuple of ( success, transid, message, additional attributes )
The ``transid`` (the best transaction id for this request context),
``message``, and additional ``attributes`` (dictionar) are displayed as results
in the JSON response of the ``/validate/check`` request.
Only in case of ``success`` == true the next method ``createChallenge`` will be called.
return (True, transactionid, 'challenge init ok', {})
[docs] def checkResponse4Challenge(self, user, passw, options=None, challenges=None):
This method verifies if the given ``passw`` matches any existing ``challenge``
of the token.
It then returns the new otp_counter of the token and the
list of the matching challenges.
In case of success the otp_counter needs to be > 0.
The matching_challenges is passed to the method
to clean up challenges.
:param user: the requesting user
:type user: User object
:param passw: the password (pin+otp)
:type passw: string
:param options: additional arguments from the request, which could be token specific
:type options: dict
:param challenges: A sorted list of valid challenges for this token.
:type challenges: list
:return: tuple of (otpcounter and the list of matching challenges)
otp_counter = -1
transid = None
matching = None
matching_challenges = []
if 'transactionid' in options or 'state' in options:
## fetch the transactionid
transid = options.get('transactionid', None)
if transid == None:
transid = options.get('state', None)
## check if the transactionid is in the list of challenges
if transid is not None:
for challenge in challenges:
if challenge.getTransactionId() == transid:
matching = challenge
if matching is not None:
otp_counter = check_otp(self, passw, options=options)
if otp_counter >= 0:
return (otp_counter, matching_challenges)
[docs] def challenge_janitor(self, matching_challenges, challenges):
This is the default janitor for the challenges of a token.
The idea is to delete all challenges, which have an id lower than
the matching one. Other janitors could be implemented on a token base
and overwrite this behaviour.
**Remarks**: In later versions this will be the place to hook a dynamically
loaded default token specific janitor.
:param matching_challenges: the last matching challenge
:type matching_challenges: list
:param challenges: all current challenges
:type challenges: list
:return: list of all challenges, which should be deleted
to_be_deleted = []
if matching_challenges is not None and len(matching_challenges) > 0:
match_id = 0
for match in matching_challenges:
match_id = max([match_id, int(match.get('id'))])
for ch in challenges:
if int(ch.get('id')) <= match_id:
## as well append all out dated challenges
for ch in challenges:
if self.is_challenge_valid(ch) is False:
return to_be_deleted
[docs] def createChallenge(self, transactionid, options=None):
This method creates a challenge, which is submitted to the user.
The submitted challenge will be preserved in the challenge
This method is called *after* the method
:param transactionid: the id of this challenge
:param options: the request context parameters / data
:type options: dict
:return: tuple of (bool, message, data, attributes)
The return tuple builds up like this:
``bool`` if submit was successfull;
``message`` which is displayed in the JSON response;
``data`` is preserved in the challenge;
additional ``attributes``, which are displayed in the JSON response.
message = 'Otp: '
data = {'serial' : self.token.getSerial()}
attributes = None
return (True, message, data, attributes)
def flush(self):
def update(self, param, reset_failcount=True):
tdesc = getParam(param, "description", optional)
if tdesc is not None:
## key_size as parameter overrules a prevoiusly set
## value e.g. in hashlib in the upper classes
key_size = getParam(param, "keysize", optional)
if key_size is None:
key_size = 20
## process the otpkey:
## if otpkey given - take this
## if not given
## if genkey == 1 : create one
## if required and otpkey == None:
## raise param Exception, that we require an otpkey
otpKey = getParam(param, "otpkey", optional)
genkey = int(getParam(param, "genkey", optional) or 0)
assert (genkey in [0, 1]), "TokenClass supports only genkey in range [0,1] : %r" % genkey
if genkey == 1 and otpKey is not None:
raise ParameterError('[ParameterError] You may either specify genkey or otpkey, but not both!', id=344)
if otpKey is not None:
self.token.setHKey(otpKey, reset_failcount=reset_failcount)
if genkey == 1:
otpKey = self._genOtpKey_()
## otpKey still None?? - raise the exception
if otpKey is None:
if self.hKeyRequired == True:
otpKey = getParam(param, "otpkey", required)
if otpKey is not None:
self.addToInfo('otpkey', otpKey)
pin = getParam(param, "pin", optional)
if pin is not None:
storeHashed = True
enc = getParam(param, "encryptpin", optional)
if enc is not None and "true" == enc.lower():
storeHashed = False
self.token.setPin(pin, storeHashed)
otplen = getParam(param, 'otplen', optional)
if otplen is not None:
def _genOtpKey_(self, otpkeylen=None):
private method, to create an otpkey
if otpkeylen is None:
if hasattr(self, 'otpkeylen'):
otpkeylen = getattr(self, 'otpkeylen')
otpkeylen = 20
return generate_otpkey(otpkeylen)
def setDescription(self, description):
self.token.setDescription(u'' + description)
def setDefaults(self):
## set the defaults
self.token.LinOtpOtpLen = int(getFromConfig("DefaultOtpLen") or 6)
self.token.LinOtpCountWindow = int(getFromConfig("DefaultCountWindow") or 10)
self.token.LinOtpMaxFail = int(getFromConfig("DefaultMaxFailCount") or 10)
self.token.LinOtpSyncWindow = int(getFromConfig("DefaultSyncWindow")or 1000)
self.token.LinOtpTokenType = u'' + self.type
[docs] def setUser(self, user, report):
:param user: a User() object, consisting of loginname and realm
:param report: tbdf.
(uuserid, uidResolver, uidResolverClass) = getUserResolverId(user, report)
self.token.LinOtpIdResolver = uidResolver
self.token.LinOtpIdResClass = uidResolverClass
self.token.LinOtpUserid = uuserid
def getUser(self):
uidResolver = self.token.LinOtpIdResolver
uidResolverClass = self.token.LinOtpIdResClass
uuserid = self.token.LinOtpUserid
return (uuserid, uidResolver, uidResolverClass)
[docs] def setUid(self, uid, uidResolver, uidResClass):
sets the UID values in the database
self.token.LinOtpIdResolver = uidResolver
self.token.LinOtpIdResClass = uidResClass
self.token.LinOtpUserid = uid
def reset(self):
self.token.LinOtpFailCount = 0
def addToSession(self, Session):
def deleteToken(self):
def storeToken(self):
def resync(self, otp1, otp2, options=None):
def getOtpCountWindow(self):
return self.token.LinOtpCountWindow
def getOtpCount(self):
return self.token.LinOtpCount
def isActive(self):
return self.token.LinOtpIsactive
def getFailCount(self):
return self.token.LinOtpFailCount
def setFailCount(self, failCount):
self.token.LinOtpFailCount = failCount
def getMaxFailCount(self):
return self.token.LinOtpMaxFail
def getUserId(self):
return self.token.LinOtpUserid
def setRealms(self, realms):
def getSerial(self):
return self.token.getSerial()
def setSoPin(self, soPin):
def setUserPin(self, userPin):
def setOtpKey(self, otpKey):
def setOtpLen(self, otplen):
self.token.LinOtpOtpLen = int(otplen)
def getOtpLen(self):
return self.token.LinOtpOtpLen
def setOtpCount(self, otpCount):
self.token.LinOtpCount = int(otpCount)
[docs] def setPin(self, pin, param={}):
set the PIN. The optional parameter "param" can hold the information,
if the PIN is encrypted or hashed.
storeHashed = True
enc = getParam(param, "encryptpin", optional)
if enc is not None and "true" == enc.lower():
storeHashed = False
self.token.setPin(pin, storeHashed)
def getPinHashSeed(self):
return self.token.LinOtpPinHash, self.token.LinOtpSeed
def setPinHashSeed(self, pinhash, seed):
self.token.LinOtpPinHash = pinhash
self.token.LinOtpSeed = seed
def enable(self, enable):
self.token.LinOtpIsactive = enable
def setMaxFail(self, maxFail):
self.token.LinOtpMaxFail = maxFail
def setHashLib(self, hashlib):
self.addToTokenInfo("hashlib", hashlib)
def incOtpFailCounter(self):
if self.token.LinOtpFailCount < self.token.LinOtpMaxFail:
self.token.LinOtpFailCount = self.token.LinOtpFailCount + 1
log.error('update failed')
raise TokenAdminError("Token Fail Counter update failed", id=1106)
return self.token.LinOtpFailCount
### TODO: - this is only HMAC??
def setCounterWindow(self, countWindow):
self.token.LinOtpCountWindow = int(countWindow)
def getCounterWindow(self):
return self.token.LinOtpCountWindow
def setSyncWindow(self, syncWindow):
self.token.LinOtpSyncWindow = int(syncWindow)
def getSyncWindow(self):
return self.token.LinOtpSyncWindow
## hashlib algorithms:
## http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW/hashlib/index.html#module-hashlib
def getHashlib(self, hLibStr):
if hLibStr is None:
return hashlib.sha1
hashlibStr = hLibStr.lower()
if hashlibStr == "md5":
return hashlib.md5
elif hashlibStr == "sha1":
return hashlib.sha1
elif hashlibStr == "sha224":
return hashlib.sha224
elif hashlibStr == "sha256":
return hashlib.sha256
elif hashlibStr == "sha384":
return hashlib.sha384
elif hashlibStr == "sha512":
return hashlib.sha512
return hashlib.sha1
def getTokenInfo(self):
info = {}
tokeninfo = self.token.getInfo()
info = json.loads(tokeninfo)
except Exception as e:
log.error('getTokenInfo %r' % (e))
return info
def setTokenInfo(self, info):
if info is not None:
tokeninfo = u'' + json.dumps(info, indent=0)
def addToTokenInfo(self, key, value):
info = {}
tokeninfo = self.token.getInfo()
if tokeninfo is not None:
if len(tokeninfo) > 0 :
info = json.loads(tokeninfo)
#if info.has_key(key) == True:
info[key] = value
def getFromTokenInfo(self, key, default=None):
ret = default
info = self.getTokenInfo()
if key in info:
ret = info.get(key)
return ret
# FIXME: we could store the
# count_auth_success_max
# count_auth_success
# and
# count_auth_max
# count_auth
# in dedicated columns!
[docs] def set_count_auth_success_max(self, count):
Sets the counter for the maximum allowed successful logins
self.addToTokenInfo("count_auth_success_max", int(count))
[docs] def set_count_auth_success(self, count):
Sets the counter for the occurred successful logins
self.addToTokenInfo("count_auth_success", int(count))
[docs] def set_count_auth_max(self, count):
Sets the counter for the maximum allowed login attemps
self.addToTokenInfo("count_auth_max", int(count))
[docs] def set_count_auth(self, count):
Sets the counter for the occurred login attepms
self.addToTokenInfo("count_auth", int(count))
def get_count_auth_success_max(self):
ret = 0
ret = int(self.getFromTokenInfo("count_auth_success_max"))
return ret
def get_count_auth_success(self):
ret = 0
ret = int(self.getFromTokenInfo("count_auth_success"))
return ret
def get_count_auth_max(self):
ret = 0
ret = int(self.getFromTokenInfo("count_auth_max"))
return ret
def get_count_auth(self):
ret = 0
ret = int(self.getFromTokenInfo("count_auth"))
return ret
[docs] def get_validity_period_end(self):
returns the end of validity period (if set)
ret = ""
ret = self.getFromTokenInfo("validity_period_end")
return ret
[docs] def set_validity_period_end(self, end_date):
sets the end date of the validity period for a token
## upper layer will catch. we just try to verify the date format
datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, "%d/%m/%y %H:%M")
self.addToTokenInfo("validity_period_end", end_date)
[docs] def get_validity_period_start(self):
returns the start of validity period (if set)
ret = ""
ret = self.getFromTokenInfo("validity_period_start")
return ret
[docs] def set_validity_period_start(self, start_date):
sets the start date of the validity period for a token
## upper layer will catch. we just try to verify the date format
datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, "%d/%m/%y %H:%M")
self.addToTokenInfo("validity_period_start", start_date)
def inc_count_auth_success(self):
count = self.get_count_auth_success()
count += 1
return count
def inc_count_auth(self):
count = self.get_count_auth()
count += 1
return count
[docs] def check_auth_counter(self):
This function checks the count_auth and the count_auth_success
if 0 != self.get_count_auth_max():
if self.get_count_auth() >= self.get_count_auth_max():
return False
if 0 != self.get_count_auth_success_max():
if self.get_count_auth_success() >= self.get_count_auth_success_max():
return False
return True
[docs] def check_validity_period(self):
This checks if the datetime.datetime.now() is within the validity period of the token.
Returns either True/False
start = self.get_validity_period_start()
end = self.get_validity_period_end()
check_start = False
check_end = False
dt_start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start, "%d/%m/%y %H:%M")
check_start = True
dt_end = datetime.datetime.strptime(end, "%d/%m/%y %H:%M")
check_end = True
if check_end:
if dt_end < datetime.datetime.now():
return False
if check_start:
if dt_start > datetime.datetime.now():
return False
return True
[docs] def incOtpCounter(self, counter, reset=True):
incOtpCounter(aToken, counter)
token - a token object
counter - the new counter
reset - optional -
in case of an transaction fail an exception is thrown
side effects:
default of reset will reset the failCounter
resetCounter = False
#CKO, FIX: in case of SMS Token, we always get a counter==0 ???
#if 0 == counter:
# counter = self.token.LinOtpCount
log.debug("[incOtpCounter] got counter %s, %s" % (self.token.LinOtpCount, counter))
self.token.LinOtpCount = counter + 1
if reset == True:
if getFromConfig("DefaultResetFailCount") == "True" :
resetCounter = True
#log.error("Serial %s: LinOtpFailCount %d < LinOtpMaxFail %d",token.LinOtpTokenSerialnumber, token.LinOtpFailCount,token.LinOtpMaxFail)
if resetCounter == True:
if self.token.LinOtpFailCount < self.token.LinOtpMaxFail and self.token.LinOtpIsactive == True:
self.token.LinOtpFailCount = 0;
except Exception as ex :
log.error("Token Counter update failed: %r" % (ex))
raise TokenAdminError("Token Counter update failed: %r" % (ex), id=1106)
log.debug("[incOtpCounter] now got counter %s, %s" % (self.token.LinOtpCount, counter))
return self.token.LinOtpCount
[docs] def check_otp_exist(self, otp, window=None):
checks if the given OTP value is/are values of this very token.
This is used to autoassign and to determine the serial number of
a token.
return -1
def splitPinPass(self, passw):
res = 0
otplen = int(self.token.LinOtpOtpLen)
except ValueError:
otplen = 6
if getFromConfig("PrependPin") == "True" :
pin = passw[0:-otplen]
otpval = passw[-otplen:]
pin = passw[otplen:]
otpval = passw[0:otplen]
#log.error("Pin: %s, otpval:%s",pin,otpval)
return (res, pin, otpval)
[docs] def checkPin(self, pin, options=None):
checkPin - test is the pin is matching
:param pin: the pin
:param options: additional optional parameters, which could
be token specific
:return: boolean
res = False
log.debug("[checkPin] entering checkPin function")
if self.token.comparePin(pin) == True:
res = True
log.debug("[checkPin] result %r" % res)
return res
def statusValidationFail(self):
## callback to enable a status change, if auth failed
def statusValidationSuccess(self):
## callback to enable a status change, if auth failed
def __repr__(self):
return the token state as text
:return: token state as string representation
:rtype: string
ldict = {}
for attr in self.__dict__:
key = "%r" % attr
val = "%r" % getattr(self, attr)
ldict[key] = val
res = "<%r %r>" % (self.__class__, ldict)
return res
[docs] def get_vars(self, save=False):
return the token state as dicts
:return: token as dict
ldict = {}
for attr in self.__dict__:
key = attr
val = getattr(self, attr)
if type(val) in [list, dict, str, unicode, int, float, bool]:
ldict[key] = val
elif type(val).__name__.startswith('Token'):
ldict[key] = val.get_vars(save=save)
ldict[key] = "%r" % val
return ldict
[docs] def getInitDetail(self, params , user=None):
to complete the token normalisation, the response of the initialiastion
should be build by the token specific method, the getInitDetails
response_detail = {}
info = self.getInfo()
response_detail['serial'] = self.getSerial()
tok_type = self.type.lower()
otpkey = None
if 'otpkey' in info:
otpkey = info.get('otpkey')
if otpkey != None:
response_detail["otpkey"] = {
"description": _("OTP seed"),
"value" : "seed://%s" % otpkey,
"img" : create_img(otpkey, width=200),
if user is not None:
goo_url = create_google_authenticator_url(user.login,
user.realm, otpkey,
response_detail["googleurl"] = {
"description": _("URL for google Authenticator"),
"value" : goo_url,
"img" : create_img(goo_url, width=250)
oath_url = create_oathtoken_url(user.login, user.realm,
otpkey, tok_type,
response_detail["oathurl"] = {
"description" : _("URL for OATH token"),
"value" : oath_url,
"img" : create_img(oath_url, width=250)
except Exception as ex:
log.info('failed to set oath or google url: %r' % ex)
return response_detail
[docs] def getQRImageData(self, response_detail):
url = None
hparam = {}
if response_detail is not None:
if 'googleurl' in response_detail:
url = response_detail.get('googleurl')
hparam['alt'] = url
return url, hparam
#### OcraTokenClass #####################################
class OcraTokenClass(TokenClass):
OcraTokenClass implement an ocra compliant token
used from Config
OcraMaxChallenges - number of open challenges per token if None: 3
OcraChallengeTimeout - timeout definition like 1D, 2H or 3M if None: 1M
OcraDefaultSuite - if none :'OCRA-1:HOTP-SHA256-8:C-QN08'
QrOcraDefaultSuite - if none :'OCRA-1:HOTP-SHA256-8:C-QA64'
algorithm Ocra Token Rollout: tow phases of rollout
1. https://linotpserver/admin/init?
=>> "serial" : SERIENNUMMER, "sharedsecret" : DATAOBJECT, "app_import" : IMPORTURL
- genSharedSecret - vom HSM oder urandom ?
- app_import : + linotp://
+ ocrasuite ->> default aus dem config: (DefaultOcraSuite)
+ sharedsecret (Länge wie ???)
+ seriennummer
- seriennummer: uuid
- token wird angelegt ist aber nicht aktiv!!! (counter == 0)
2. https://linotpserver/admin/init?
=>> "serial" : SERIENNUMMER, "nonce" : DATAOBJECT, "transactionid" : "TRANSAKTIONSID, "app_import" : IMPORTURL
- nonce - von HSM oder random ?
- pkcs5 - kdf2
- es darf zur einer Zeit nur eine QR Token inaktiv (== im Ausrollzustand) sein !!!!!
der Token wird über den User gefunden
- seed = pdkdf2(nonce + activcode + shared secret)
- challenge generiern - von urandom oder HSM
3. check_t
- counter ist > nach der ersten Transaktion
- if counter >= 1: delete sharedsecret löschen
def classInit(cls, param, user=None):
helper_param = {}
tok_type = "ocra"
## take the keysize from the ocrasuite
ocrasuite = param.get("ocrasuite", None)
activationcode = param.get("activationcode", None)
sharedsecret = param.get("sharedsecret", None)
serial = param.get("serial", None)
genkey = param.get("genkey", None)
if activationcode is not None:
## dont create a new key
genkey = None
serial = getRolloutToken4User(user=user, serial=serial, tok_type=tok_type)
if serial is None:
raise Exception('no token found for user: %r or serial: %r' % (user, serial))
helper_param['serial'] = serial
helper_param['activationcode'] = normalize_activation_code(activationcode)
if ocrasuite is None:
if sharedsecret is not None or activationcode is not None:
ocrasuite = getFromConfig("QrOcraDefaultSuite", 'OCRA-1:HOTP-SHA256-6:C-QA64')
ocrasuite = getFromConfig("OcraDefaultSuite", 'OCRA-1:HOTP-SHA256-8:C-QN08')
helper_param['ocrasuite'] = ocrasuite
if genkey is not None:
if ocrasuite.find('-SHA256'):
key_size = 32
elif ocrasuite.find('-SHA512'):
key_size = 64
key_size = 20
helper_param['key_size'] = key_size
return helper_param
def getClassType(cls):
getClassType - return the token type shortname
:return: 'ocra'
:rtype: string
log.debug('[getClassType] ocra')
return "ocra"
def getClassPrefix(cls):
return "ocra"
def __init__(self, aToken):
getInfo - return the status of the token rollout
:return: info of the ocra token state
:rtype: dict
TokenClass.__init__(self, aToken)
self.transId = 0
def getInfo(self):
getInfo - return the status of the token rollout
:return: info of the ocra token state
:rtype: dict
log.debug('[getInfo] %r ' % (self.info))
return self.info
def update(self, params, reset_failcount=True):
update: add further defintion for token from param in case of init
log.debug('[update] %r: %r: ' % (params, reset_failcount))
if params.has_key('ocrasuite'):
self.ocraSuite = params.get('ocrasuite')
activationcode = params.get('activationcode', None)
sharedSecret = params.get('sharedsecret', None)
if activationcode is None and sharedSecret is None:
self.ocraSuite = self.getOcraSuiteSuite()
self.ocraSuite = self.getQROcraSuiteSuite()
if params.get('activationcode', None):
## due to changes in the tokenclass parameter handling
## we have to add for compatibility a genkey parameter
if params.has_key('otpkey') == False and params.has_key('genkey') == False:
log.warning('[OcraTokenClass:update] missing parameter genkey\
to complete the rollout 2!')
params['genkey'] = 1
TokenClass.update(self, params, reset_failcount=reset_failcount)
self.addToTokenInfo('ocrasuite', self.ocraSuite)
ocraSuite = OcraSuite(self.ocraSuite)
otplen = ocraSuite.truncation
ocraPin = params.get('ocrapin', None)
if ocraPin is not None:
if params.has_key('otpkey'):
def _rollout_1(self, params):
do the rollout 1 step
1. https://linotpserver/admin/init?
=>> "serial" : SERIENNUMMER, "sharedsecret" : DATAOBJECT, "app_import" : IMPORTURL
- genSharedSecret - vom HSM oder urandom ?
- app_import : + linotp://
+ ocrasuite ->> default aus dem config: (DefaultOcraSuite)
+ sharedsecret (Länge wie ???)
+ seriennummer
- seriennummer: uuid ??
- token wird angelegt ist aber nicht aktiv!!! (counter == 0)
log.debug('[_rollout_1] %r ' % (params))
sharedSecret = params.get('sharedsecret', None)
if sharedSecret == '1':
## preserve the rollout state
self.addToTokenInfo('rollout', '1')
## preseerver the current key as sharedSecret
secObj = self.token.getHOtpKey()
key = secObj.getKey()
encSharedSecret = encryptPin(key)
self.addToTokenInfo('sharedSecret', encSharedSecret)
info = {}
uInfo = {}
info['sharedsecret'] = key
uInfo['sh'] = key
info['ocrasuite'] = self.getOcraSuiteSuite()
uInfo['os'] = self.getOcraSuiteSuite()
info['serial'] = self.getSerial()
uInfo['se'] = self.getSerial()
info['app_import'] = 'lseqr://init?%s' % (urllib.urlencode(uInfo))
del info['ocrasuite']
self.info = info
self.token.LinOtpIsactive = False
def _rollout_2(self, params):
=>> "serial" : SERIENNUMMER, "nonce" : DATAOBJECT, "transactionid" : "TRANSAKTIONSID, "app_import" : IMPORTURL
- nonce - von HSM oder random ?
- pkcs5 - kdf2
- es darf zur einer Zeit nur eine QR Token inaktiv (== im Ausrollzustand) sein !!!!!
der Token wird über den User gefunden
- seed = pdkdf2(nonce + activcode + shared secret)
- challenge generiern - von urandom oder HSM
log.debug('[_rollout_2] %r ' % (params))
activationcode = params.get('activationcode', None)
if activationcode is not None:
## genkey might have created a new key, so we have to rely on
encSharedSecret = self.getFromTokenInfo('sharedSecret', None)
if encSharedSecret is None:
raise Exception ('missing shared secret of initialition for token %r' % (self.getSerial()))
sharedSecret = decryptPin(encSharedSecret)
## we generate a nonce, which in the end is a challenge
nonce = createNonce()
self.addToTokenInfo('nonce', nonce)
## create a new key from the ocrasuite
key_len = 20
if self.ocraSuite.find('-SHA256'):
key_len = 32
elif self.ocraSuite.find('-SHA512'):
key_len = 64
newkey = kdf2(sharedSecret, nonce, activationcode, key_len)
## generate challenge, which is part of the app_import
message = params.get('message', None)
(transid, challenge, _ret, url) = self.challenge(message)
## generate response
info = {}
uInfo = {}
info['serial'] = self.getSerial()
uInfo['se'] = self.getSerial()
info['nonce'] = nonce
uInfo['no'] = nonce
info['transactionid'] = transid
uInfo['tr'] = transid
info['challenge'] = challenge
uInfo['ch'] = challenge
if message is not None:
uInfo['me'] = str(message.encode("utf-8"))
ustr = urllib.urlencode({'u':str(url.encode("utf-8"))})
uInfo['u'] = ustr[2:]
info['url'] = str(url.encode("utf-8"))
app_import = 'lseqr://nonce?%s' % (urllib.urlencode(uInfo))
## add a signature of the url
signature = {'si': self.signData(app_import) }
info['signature'] = signature.get('si')
info['app_import'] = "%s&%s" % (app_import, urllib.urlencode(signature))
self.info = info
## setup new state
self.addToTokenInfo('rollout', '2')
def getOcraSuiteSuite(self):
getQROcraSuiteSuite - return the QR Ocra Suite - if none, it will return the default
:return: Ocrasuite of token
:rtype: string
defaultOcraSuite = getFromConfig("OcraDefaultSuite", 'OCRA-1:HOTP-SHA256-8:C-QN08')
self.ocraSuite = self.getFromTokenInfo('ocrasuite', defaultOcraSuite)
log.debug('[getOcraSuiteSuite] %r:' % (self.ocraSuite))
return self.ocraSuite
def getQROcraSuiteSuite(self):
getQROcraSuiteSuite - return the QR Ocra Suite - if none, it will return the default
:return: QROcrasuite of token
:rtype: string
defaultOcraSuite = getFromConfig("QrOcraDefaultSuite", 'OCRA-1:HOTP-SHA256-8:C-QA64')
self.ocraSuite = self.getFromTokenInfo('ocrasuite', defaultOcraSuite)
log.debug('[getQROcraSuiteSuite] %r:' % (self.ocraSuite))
return self.ocraSuite
def signData(self, data):
sign the received data with the secret key
:param data: arbitrary string object
:type param: string
:return: hexlified signature of the data
log.debug('[signData] %r:' % (data))
secretHOtp = self.token.getHOtpKey()
ocraSuite = OcraSuite(self.getOcraSuiteSuite(), secretHOtp)
signature = ocraSuite.signData(data)
log.debug('[signData]: %r:' % (signature))
return signature
def challenge(self, data, session='', typ='raw', challenge=None):
the challenge method is for creating an transaction / challenge object
remark: the transaction has a maximum lifetime and a reference to the OcraSuite token (serial)
:param data: data, which is the base for the challenge or None
:type data: string or None
:param session: session support for ocratokens
:type session: string
:type typ: define, which kind of challenge base should be used
could be raw - take the data input as is (extract chars accordind challenge definition Q)
or random - will generate a random input
or hased - will take the hash of the input data
:return: challenge response containing the transcation id and the challenge for the ocrasuite
:rtype : tuple of (transId(string), challenge(string))
s_data = 'None'
s_session = 'None'
s_challenge = 'None'
if data is not None: s_data = data
if session is not None: s_session = session
if challenge is None: s_challenge = challenge
log.debug('[challenge] %s: %s: %s' % (s_data, s_session, s_challenge))
secretHOtp = self.token.getHOtpKey()
ocraSuite = OcraSuite(self.getOcraSuiteSuite(), secretHOtp)
if data is None or len(data) == 0:
typ = 'random'
if challenge is None:
if typ == 'raw':
challenge = ocraSuite.data2rawChallenge(data)
elif typ == 'random':
challenge = ocraSuite.data2randomChallenge(data)
elif typ == 'hash':
challenge = ocraSuite.data2hashChallenge(data)
log.debug('[OcraTokenClass] challenge: %r ' % (challenge))
serial = self.getSerial()
counter = self.getOtpCount()
## set the pin onyl in the compliant hashed mode
pin = ''
if ocraSuite.P is not None:
pinObj = self.token.getUserPin()
pin = pinObj.getKey()
param = {}
param['C'] = counter
param['Q'] = challenge
param['P'] = pin
param['S'] = session
if ocraSuite.T is not None:
now = datetime.datetime.now()
stime = now.strftime("%s")
itime = int(stime)
param['T'] = itime
''' verify that the data is compliant with the OcraSuitesuite
and the client is able to calc the otp
c_data = ocraSuite.combineData(**param)
except Exception as ex:
log.error("[OcraTokenClass] %r" % (traceback.format_exc()))
raise Exception('[OcraTokenClass] Failed to create ocrasuite challenge: %r' % (ex))
## save the object
digits = '0123456789'
transid = ''
transactionIdLen = 12
transactionIdLen = int(getFromConfig("OcraDefaultSuite", '12'))
transactionIdLen = 12
log.debug("[OcraTokenClass] Failed to set transactionId length from config - using fallback %d" % (transactionIdLen))
## create a non exisiting challenge
while True:
for _c in range(0, transactionIdLen):
transid += urandom.choice(digits)
chall = OcraTokenClass.getTransaction(transid)
if chall is None:
ddata = ''
if data is not None:
ddata = data
chall = OcraChallenge(transid, typ + ':' + challenge, serial, typ + ':' + ddata)
except Exception as ex:
## this might happen if we have a db problem or the uniqnes constrain does not fit
log.error("[OcraTokenClass] %r" % (traceback.format_exc()))
raise Exception('[OcraTokenClass] Failed to create challenge object: %s' % (ex))
realm = None
realms = self.token.getRealms()
if len(realms) > 0:
realm = realms[0]
url = ''
if realm is not None:
url = get_qrtan_url(realm.name)
log.debug('[challenge]: %r: %r: %r' % (transid, challenge, url))
return (transid, challenge, True, url)
def checkOtp(self, passw , counter , window , options=None):
checkOtp - standard callback of linotp to verify the token
:param passw: the passw / otp, which has to be checked
:type passw: string
:param counter: the start counter
:type counter: int
:param window: the window, in which the token is valid
:type window: int
:param options: options contains the transaction id, eg. if check_t checks one transaction
this will support assynchreonous otp checks (when check_t is used)
:type options: dict
:return: verification counter or -1
:rtype: int (-1)
log.debug('[checkOtp] %r: %r: %r' % (passw, counter, window))
ret = -1
secretHOtp = self.token.getHOtpKey()
ocraSuite = OcraSuite(self.getOcraSuiteSuite(), secretHOtp)
## if we have no transactionid given through the options,
## we have to retrieve the eldest challenge for this ocra token
serial = self.getSerial()
challenges = []
## set the ocra token pin
ocraPin = ''
if ocraSuite.P is not None:
ocraPinObj = self.token.getUserPin()
ocraPin = ocraPinObj.getKey()
if ocraPin is None or len(ocraPin) == 0:
ocraPin = ''
timeShift = 0
if ocraSuite.T is not None:
defTimeWindow = int(getFromConfig("ocra.timeWindow", 180))
window = int(self.getFromTokenInfo('timeWindow', defTimeWindow)) / ocraSuite.T
defTimeShift = int(getFromConfig("ocra.timeShift", 0))
timeShift = int(self.getFromTokenInfo("timeShift", defTimeShift))
if options is None:
challenges = OcraTokenClass.getTransactions4serial(serial, currentOnly=True)
elif options is not None:
if type(options).__name__ != 'dict':
err = '[chekOtp] "options" not of type dict! %r' % (type(options))
raise Exception(err)
if options.has_key('transactionid'):
transid = options.get('transactionid')
elif options.has_key('challenge'):
## due to the added options in checkUserPass, we have to extend
## the logic here:
## if no challenges found in between but we have a serial, we catch
## the open challenges by serial (s.o.)
if len(challenges) == 0:
challenges = OcraTokenClass.getTransactions4serial(serial, currentOnly=True)
if len(challenges) == 0:
## verify that there has already been a challenge
challenges = OcraTokenClass.getTransactions4serial(serial)
if len(challenges) > 0:
err = 'No current transaction found!'
ret = -1
return ret
err = 'No open transaction found!'
if type(options) == dict and options.has_key('transactionid'):
raise Exception(err)
ret = -1
return ret
for ch in challenges:
challenge = {}
if type(ch) == dict:
## transaction less checkOtp
self.transId = 0
elif type(ch) == OcraChallenge:
## preserve transaction context, so we could use this in the status callback
self.transId = ch.transid
challenge['challenge'] = ch.challenge
challenge['transid'] = ch.transid
challenge['session'] = ch.session
ret = ocraSuite.checkOtp(passw, counter, window, challenge, pin=ocraPin , options=options, timeshift=timeShift)
log.debug('[checkOtp]: %r' % (ret))
if ret != -1:
if -1 == ret:
## autosync: test if two consecutive challenges + it's counter match
ret = self.autosync(ocraSuite, passw, challenge)
return ret
def autosync(self, ocraSuite, passw, challenge):
try to resync a token automaticaly, if a former and the current request failed
:param ocraSuite: the ocraSuite of the current Token
:type ocraSuite: ocra object
:param passw:
log.debug('[OcraToken::autosync] %r : %r' % (passw, challenge))
res = -1
autosync = False
async = getFromConfig("AutoResync")
if async is None:
autosync = False
elif "true" == async.lower():
autosync = True
elif "false" == async.lower():
autosync = False
except Exception as ex:
log.error('autosync check undefined %r' % (ex))
return res
' if autosync is not enabled: do nothing '
if False == autosync:
return res
## AUTOSYNC starts here
counter = self.token.getOtpCounter()
syncWindow = self.token.getSyncWindow()
if ocraSuite.T is not None:
syncWindow = syncWindow / 10
## set the ocra token pin
ocraPin = ''
if ocraSuite.P is not None:
ocraPinObj = self.token.getUserPin()
ocraPin = ocraPinObj.getKey()
if ocraPin is None or len(ocraPin) == 0:
ocraPin = ''
timeShift = 0
if ocraSuite.T is not None:
timeShift = int(self.getFromTokenInfo("timeShift", 0))
#timeStepping = int(ocraSuite.T)
tinfo = self.getTokenInfo()
## autosync does only work, if we have a token info, where the last challenge and the last sync-counter is stored
## if no tokeninfo, we start with a autosync request, thus start the lookup in the sync window
if tinfo.has_key('lChallenge') == False:
## run checkOtp, with sync window for the current challenge
log.info('[OcraToken:autosync] initial sync')
count_0 = -1
otp0 = passw
count_0 = ocraSuite.checkOtp(otp0, counter, syncWindow, challenge, pin=ocraPin, timeshift=timeShift)
except Exception as ex:
log.error(' error during autosync0 %r' % (ex))
if count_0 != -1:
tinfo['lChallenge'] = {'otpc' : count_0}
log.info('[OcraToken:autosync] initial sync - success: %r' % (count_0))
res = -1
log.info('[OcraToken:autosync] initial sync done!')
## run checkOtp, with sync window for the current challenge
log.info('[OcraToken:autosync] sync')
count_1 = -1
otp1 = passw
count_1 = ocraSuite.checkOtp(otp1, counter, syncWindow, challenge, pin=ocraPin, timeshift=timeShift)
except Exception as ex:
log.error(' error during autosync1 %r' % (ex))
if count_1 == -1:
del tinfo['lChallenge']
log.info('[OcraToken:autosync] sync failed! Not a valid pass in scope (%r)' % (otp1))
res = -1
## run checkOtp, with sync window for the old challenge
lChallange = tinfo.get('lChallenge')
count_0 = lChallange.get('otpc')
if ocraSuite.C is not None:
## sync the counter based ocra token
if count_1 - count_0 < 2:
res = count_1
if ocraSuite.T is not None:
## sync the timebased ocra token
if count_1 - count_0 < ocraSuite.T * 2 :
## calc the new timeshift !
log.debug("[autosync] the counter %r matches: %r" %
(count_1, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(count_1)))
currenttime = int(time.time())
new_shift = (count_1 - currenttime)
tinfo['timeShift'] = new_shift
res = count_1
## if we came here, the old challenge is not required anymore
del tinfo['lChallenge']
log.info('[OcraToken:autosync] sync done!')
log.debug('[autosync]: %r ' % (res))
return res
def is_challenge_response(self, passw, user, options=None, challenges=None):
check, if the request contains the result of a challenge
:param passw: password, which might be pin or pin+otp
:param user: the requesting user
:param options: dictionary of additional request parameters
:return: returns true or false
challenge_response = False
return challenge_response
def statusValidationFail(self):
statusValidationFail - callback to enable a status change,
will be called if the token verification has failed
:return - nothing
ocraChallenge = None
if self.transId == 0 :
ocraChallenge = OcraTokenClass.getTransaction(self.transId)
ocraChallenge.setTanStatus(received=True, valid=False)
## still in rollout state??
rolloutState = self.getFromTokenInfo('rollout', '0')
if rolloutState == '1':
log.info('rollout state 1 for token %r not completed' % (self.getSerial()))
elif rolloutState == '2':
maxchall = int(getFromConfig("OcraMaxChallengeRequests", '3'))
maxchall = 3
if int(ocraChallenge.received_count) >= maxchall:
## after 3 fails in rollout state 2 - reset to rescan
self.addToTokenInfo('rollout', '1')
log.info('rollout for token %r reset to phase 1:' % (self.getSerial()))
log.info('rollout for token %r not completed' % (self.getSerial()))
except Exception as ex:
log.error('[OcraTokenClass:statusValidationFail] Error during validation finalisation for token %r :%r' % (self.getSerial(), ex))
log.error("[OcraTokenClass:statusValidationFail] %r" % (traceback.format_exc()))
raise Exception(ex)
if ocraChallenge != None:
def statusValidationSuccess(self):
statusValidationSuccess - callback to enable a status change,
remark: will be called if the token shas been succesfull verified
:return: - nothing
if self.transId == 0 :
ocraChallenge = OcraTokenClass.getTransaction(self.transId)
ocraChallenge.setTanStatus(received=True, valid=True)
## still in rollout state??
rolloutState = self.getFromTokenInfo('rollout', '0')
if rolloutState == '2':
t_info = self.getTokenInfo()
if t_info.has_key('rollout'):
del t_info['rollout']
if t_info.has_key('sharedSecret'):
del t_info['sharedSecret']
if t_info.has_key('nonce'):
del t_info['nonce']
log.info('rollout for token %r completed' % (self.getSerial()))
elif rolloutState == '1':
raise Exception('unable to complete the rollout ')
def resync(self, otp1, otp2, options=None):
- for the resync to work, we take the last two transactions and their challenges
- for each challenge, we search forward the sync window length
log.debug('[resync] %r : %r' % (otp1, otp2))
ret = False
challenges = []
o_challenges = OcraTokenClass.getTransactions4serial(self.getSerial())
for challenge in o_challenges:
## check if there are enough challenges around
if len(challenges) < 2:
return False
challenge1 = {}
challenge2 = {}
if options is None:
ch1 = challenges[0]
challenge1['challenge'] = ch1.challenge
challenge1['transid'] = ch1.transid
challenge1['session'] = ch1.session
ch2 = challenges[1]
challenge2['challenge'] = ch2.challenge
challenge2['transid'] = ch2.transid
challenge2['session'] = ch2.session
if options.has_key('challenge1'):
challenge1['challenge'] = options.get('challenge1')
if options.has_key('challenge2'):
challenge2['challenge'] = options.get('challenge2')
if len(challenge1) == 0 or len(challenge2) == 0:
error = "No challeges found!"
log.error('[OcraTokenClass:resync] %s' % (error))
raise Exception('[OcraTokenClass:resync] %s' % (error))
secretHOtp = self.token.getHOtpKey()
ocraSuite = OcraSuite(self.getOcraSuiteSuite(), secretHOtp)
syncWindow = self.token.getSyncWindow()
if ocraSuite.T is not None:
syncWindow = syncWindow / 10
counter = self.token.getOtpCounter()
## set the ocra token pin
ocraPin = ''
if ocraSuite.P is not None:
ocraPinObj = self.token.getUserPin()
ocraPin = ocraPinObj.getKey()
if ocraPin is None or len(ocraPin) == 0:
ocraPin = ''
timeShift = 0
if ocraSuite.T is not None:
timeShift = int(self.getFromTokenInfo("timeShift", 0))
count_1 = ocraSuite.checkOtp(otp1, counter, syncWindow, challenge1, pin=ocraPin, timeshift=timeShift)
if count_1 == -1:
log.info('[resync] lookup for first otp value failed!')
ret = False
count_2 = ocraSuite.checkOtp(otp2, counter, syncWindow, challenge2, pin=ocraPin, timeshift=timeShift)
if count_2 == -1:
log.info('[resync] lookup for second otp value failed!')
ret = False
if ocraSuite.C is not None:
if count_1 + 1 == count_2:
ret = True
if ocraSuite.T is not None:
if count_1 - count_2 <= ocraSuite.T * 2:
## callculate the timeshift
date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(count_2)
log.info('[resync] syncing token to new timestamp: %r' % (date))
now = datetime.datetime.now()
stime = now.strftime("%s")
timeShift = count_2 - int(stime)
self.addToTokenInfo('timeShift', timeShift)
ret = True
except Exception as ex:
log.error('[OcraTokenClass:resync] unknown error: %r' % (ex))
raise Exception('[OcraTokenClass:resync] unknown error: %s' % (ex))
log.debug('[resync]: %r ' % (ret))
return ret
def getStatus(self, transactionId):
getStatus - assembles the status of a transaction / challenge in a dict
{ "serial": SERIENNUMMER1,
"transactionid": TRANSACTIONID1,
"received_tan": true,
"valid_tan": true,
"failcount": 0
:param transactionId: the transaction / challenge id
:type transactionId: string
:return: status dict
:rtype: dict
log.debug('[getStatus] %r' % (transactionId))
statusDict = {}
ocraChallenge = OcraTokenClass.getTransaction(transactionId)
if ocraChallenge is not None:
statusDict['serial'] = ocraChallenge.tokenserial
statusDict['transactionid'] = ocraChallenge.transid
statusDict['received_tan'] = ocraChallenge.received_tan
statusDict['valid_tan'] = ocraChallenge.valid_tan
statusDict['failcount'] = self.getFailCount()
statusDict['id'] = ocraChallenge.id
statusDict['timestamp'] = unicode(ocraChallenge.timestamp)
statusDict['active'] = unicode(self.isActive())
log.debug('[getStatus]: %r' % (statusDict))
return statusDict
def timeoutJanitor(cls):
timeoutJanitor - remove all outdated transactions / challenges
:return: - nothing
delta = datetime.timedelta(days=0)
scopeDef = getFromConfig("OcraChallengeTimeout", '1D')
## timedelta supports : days[, seconds[, microseconds[, milliseconds[, minutes[, hours[, weeks]]]]]]])
if re.match('^(\d+[DHMS])+$', scopeDef):
delta = datetime.timedelta(days=0)
parts = re.findall('\d+[DHMS]', scopeDef)
for part in parts:
period = part[-1]
quantity = int(part[:-1])
if period == 'D':
delta = delta + datetime.timedelta(days=quantity)
elif period == 'H':
delta = delta + datetime.timedelta(hours=quantity)
elif period == 'M':
delta = delta + datetime.timedelta(minutes=quantity)
elif period == 'S':
delta = delta + datetime.timedelta(seconds=quantity)
log.info('OcraChallengeTimeout value %r does not match timedelta definition (^(\d+[DHMS])+$)' % (scopeDef))
scope_def = int(scopeDef)
delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=scope_def)
except ValueError:
log.info('Failed to convert OcraChallengeTimeout value from config: %r' % (scopeDef))
delta = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
ocraChallenges = Session.query(OcraChallenge).filter(
OcraChallenge.timestamp < datetime.datetime.now() - delta)
for ocraChallenge in ocraChallenges:
log.warning("[OcraToken:timeoutJanitor] - dropping outdated ocraChallenge): %r for token %r" %
(ocraChallenge.transid, ocraChallenge.tokenserial))
def maxChallengeRequestJanitor(cls):
maxChallengeRequestJanitor - remove all transactions / challenges which have been made more than maxChallengeRequests
:return: - nothing
maxRequests = int(getFromConfig("OcraMaxChallengeRequests", '3'))
ocraChallenges = Session.query(OcraChallenge).filter(
OcraChallenge.received_count >= maxRequests)
for ocraChallenge in ocraChallenges:
log.warning("[OcraToken:timeoutJanitor] - dropping outdated ocraChallenge): %r for token %r" % (ocraChallenge.transid, ocraChallenge.tokenserial))
def maxChallengeJanitor(cls, transId=None, serial=None):
maxChallengeJanitor - remove for one token (serial) all challengens but the last ones
:param transId: the current transaction, which provides a the lookup for the serial number
:type transId: string
:param serial: the serial number of the token
:type serial: string
:return: - nothing
log.debug('[maxChallengeJanitor] %r : %r' % (transId, serial))
maxChallDef = getFromConfig("OcraMaxChallenges", '3')
ones = int(maxChallDef)
except ValueError as ex:
log.error('[OcraTokrenClass:maxChallengeJanitor] Faild to convert OcraMaxChallenges value from config: %r :%r' % (maxChallDef, ex))
ones = 3
if ones <= 0:
ones = 3
if transId is not None:
challenges = Session.query(OcraChallenge).filter(OcraChallenge.transid == u'' + transId)
if challenges is None:
log.info('[OcraTokrenClass:maxChallengeJanitor] no ocraChallenge found for tranid %r' % (transId))
for challenge in challenges:
serial = challenge.tokenserial
if serial is None:
log.error('[OcraTokrenClass:maxChallengeJanitor] failed to lookup for transid %r or serial %r' % (transId, serial))
challenges = Session.query(OcraChallenge).\
filter(OcraChallenge.tokenserial == u'' + serial)\
lastIds = set()
for challenge in challenges:
if len(lastIds) < ones:
log.warning("[OcraToken:maxChallengeJanitor] - dropping max ocraChallenges: %r :: %r for token %r" % \
(challenge.id, challenge.transid, challenge.tokenserial))
def getTransaction(cls, transId):
getTransaction - lookup for the challenge object of the given id
:param transId: challenge identifier
:type transId: string
:return: the challenge data object
:rtype: OcraChallenge
log.debug('[getTransaction] %r' % (transId))
## first do housekeeping - remove outdated transactions
ocraChallenge = None
count = 0
if transId is not None:
challenges = Session.query(OcraChallenge).filter(OcraChallenge.transid == u'' + transId)
if challenges is None:
log.info('no ocraChallenge found for tranid %r' % (transId))
return None
for ocraChallenge in challenges:
log.debug("[OcraSuite:getTransactionId] %r for token: %r" % (ocraChallenge.transid, ocraChallenge.tokenserial))
count += 1
if count == 0 or count > 1:
log.error('%r ocraChallenge token found for this transaction %r ' % (count, transId))
#raise Exception('%r ocraChallenge token found for this transaction %r '%(count,transId))
log.debug('[getTransaction] %r' % (ocraChallenge))
return ocraChallenge
def getTransactions4serial(cls, serial, currentOnly=False):
getTransactions4serial - give all challenges for a given token serial number
:param serial: token serial identifier
:type serial: string
:param currentOnly: boolean Flag to return all Challenges (like for status request)
or to return the eldest open transaction / challenge
:type currentOnly: boolean flag
:return: return a list of Challenges
:rtype: OcraChallenge obejct list
log.debug('[getTransactions4serial] %r: %r' % (serial, currentOnly))
## first do housekeeping - remove outdated transactions
ocraChallenges = []
ocraChallenge = None
challenges = []
if serial is not None:
if currentOnly == False:
challenges = Session.query(OcraChallenge)\
.filter(OcraChallenge.tokenserial == u'' + serial)\
## return the oldest transaction onyl - orderby(id).limit(1)
challenges = Session.query(OcraChallenge)\
.filter(OcraChallenge.tokenserial == u'' + serial)\
.filter(OcraChallenge.received_tan == False)\
if challenges is None:
log.info('no ocraChallenge found for serial %r' % (serial))
return None
for ocraChallenge in challenges:
log.debug("[OcraSuite:getTransactionId] %r for token: %r" % (ocraChallenge.transid, ocraChallenge.tokenserial))
return ocraChallenges
def getInitDetail(self, params , user=None):
to complete the token normalisation, the response of the initialiastion
should be build by the token specific method, the getInitDetails
response_detail = {}
info = self.getInfo()
otpkey = None
if 'otpkey' in info:
otpkey = info.get('otpkey')
response_detail["otpkey"] = otpkey
ocra_url = info.get('app_import')
response_detail["ocraurl"] = {
"description": _("URL for OCRA token"),
"value": ocra_url,
"img": create_img(ocra_url, width=250),
return response_detail
def getQRImageData(self, response_detail):
url = None
hparam = {}
if response_detail is not None:
if 'ocraurl' in response_detail:
url = response_detail.get('ocraurl', {}).get('value', '')
hparam['alt'] = response_detail.get('app_import', '')
return url, hparam