LinOTP 2.9 documentation
7. Database connection
This section describes extended possibilities to configure the LinOTP token database.
7.1. Running LinOTP with DB2 on RedHat
7.1.1. Overview
7.1.2. Installation
7.1.3. Configuration
7.2. Running LinOTP with Oracle on RedHat
7.2.1. Overview
7.2.2. Installation
7.2.3. Configuration
7.3. Running LinOTP with Microsoft SQL
7.3.1. Overview
7.3.2. Installation
7.3.3. Configuration
7.4. Configure a redundant MySQL database with master-master-replication
7.4.1. Introduction
7.4.2. Replication user
7.4.3. Configure replication
7.4.4. Setup slaves
7.4.5. Synching the machines
7.4.6. Activate the Replication Mode in LinOTP
7.5. Special parameters for database connections
7.5.1. Pool recyle
7.5.2. Implicit returning
Table Of Contents
LinOTP Management Guide
LinOTP Installation Guide
1. Supported Operating Systems
2. Checklist
3. Server installation
4. Installing Management Clients
5. Installing Authentication Modules
6. Customization
7. Database connection
7.1. Running LinOTP with DB2 on RedHat
7.2. Running LinOTP with Oracle on RedHat
7.3. Running LinOTP with Microsoft SQL
7.4. Configure a redundant MySQL database with master-master-replication
7.5. Special parameters for database connections
8. Security Modules
9. Integration examples
10. Updates
11. Migrating from LinOTP 1.3 or LinOTP 1.0
12. Security advisories
13. Troubleshooting
LinOTP Appliance Manual
LinOTP Module Development Guide