5.3. Viewing users in certain realms¶
You can group users into realms. In the GTK client and in the Web UI you can choose, which users from which realm you want to view.
If the administrator got restrictive policies to only manage tokens in certain realms (see chapter Policies) he might need to select this very realm to display the users in it.
5.3.1. Viewing users in GTK client¶
By default you will see all users of all realms in the GTK client user view.
If you want to only view users from on realm,
this realm of the user can be selected on the users tab under Userfetching
Choose a realm and press Refresh
Use userfetching to only select users from a certain realm
5.3.2. Viewing users in the Web UI¶
Viewing of the users in the Web UI works a bit different.
On the left side you need to choose, which user realm you want to view. As soon as you change the realm on the left
sidebar, the users from the newly selected realm will be displayed in the tab User View
You can use the pagination arrows to step through the users in this realm.
You can search by entering a search pattern in the Find
field below the user list.
You can use the wildcard *. Entering *y*
will find the users “debussy” and “haydn”.
Entering b*
will find the users “bach”, “beethoven”, “berlioz” and “brahms”.
When having entered the search pattern hit Enter
to start the search.