6.12. Users in policies

The user field in the policies need a deeper explanation. Please mind the extensions for scopes admin, system and selfservice for LinOTP >=2.8.1 as described in user_field_extensions

Within the scope admin, license, audit and system the user field is used to enter a list of administrator names.

In the scope selfservice, authorization, enrollment and authentication the user field can be used to specify users and resolvers. Thus the user field can be used to split policies within realms by users or resolvers.


When using the user field you should always define a certain realm name in the realm field and not use the * for the realms.

Users are specified with the normal username like:

user1, user2, user3

Resolvers are specified with the name of the resolvers followed by a colon, to mark this as a resolver:

resolvername1:, resolvername2:


It is also possible to mix users and resolvers like this:

user1, resolvername1:, user2, user3

The policy logic works like this:

  1. If a policy in the scope is found for this very user, then this policy is applied and all other policies in this scope not containing the user are ignored.

  2. The resolver of the user is determined. If a policy in the scope for this resolver is found, this policy is applied and the other policies are ignored for this user.

  3. If within this scope no policy with the very username and no policy with a resolver the user is in is found, than the policies containing no user entries are applied for this user.

Imagine a realm realm1 with two resolvers resolv1 and resolv2. There are four users, user1a, user1b and user1c in resolv1 and user2 in resolv2.

The following policies are defined:

scope = selfservice
action = webprovisionGOOGLE
realm = realm1
user = ""

scope = selfservice
action = webprovisionGOOGLE, setOTPPIN
realm = realm1
user = user1a

scope = selfservice
action = webprovisionGOOGLE, setOTPPIN, disable
realm = realm1
user = user1b, resolv2:

pol1 will be applied for user1c as this policy does not define any user and as user1c or his resolver does not appear in any other policy.

pol2 will be applied for user1a since this user is explicitly listed in the policy.

pol3 will be applied for user1b as the user is listed in the policy and it will be applied for user2 since the resolver of this user is listed in the policy.

6.12.1. Extensions for user field in LinOTP =>2.8.1

Additionally to the traditional configuration LinOTP >=2.8.1 supports a more fine grained syntax for the user field regarding the scopes admin, system and selfservice. Now regular expression for user names can be used and there is support for domain name matching. All these new configuration methods can be combined.

  • Domain Name Matching: @Domain - Please mind that this is only a string matching on the login name of the user and not a check against the LDAP/AD server

^john@example               - matches exactly the given login name

_(production|dev)@example   - matches all users whose name end of
                              "_production@example or _dev@example"
  • UserIdResolver and user names: UserIdResolver: or [USER.]UserIdResolver:

Please mind that if you want to specify all users from a UserIdResolver the traditional syntax UserIdResolver: is still valid and recommended. If .UserIdResolver: is used an user name must be specified to match anybody. The user name can be a regular expression.

ad2:            - matches all users from UserIdResolver "ad2"

^devel.*.ad1:   - matches all users starting with "devel" located at the
                  UserIdResolver "ad1" Examples

Matching all users from a certain UserIdResolver and allow them to disable and enable existing tokens:

Scope: selfservice
Action: enable, disable
User: ad_resolver1:

Allow users with a certain domain to enroll HMAC token and resync their tokens in the Selfservice Portal:

Scope: selfservice
Action: resync, enrollHMAC
User: @onedomain.net, @seconddomain.net