6. LinOTP HOW-TOs Guide# 6.1. Usability - HOW-TOs 6.1.1. Autoenrollment of Tokens via SMS or Email Prerequisites Policies Token configuration SMS SMSProviderConfig HttpSMSProvider SmtpSMSProvider SMPPSMSProvider DeviceSMSProvider RestSMSProvider Token configuration e-mail Test scenario 6.1.2. LinOTP’s Rollout Token Feature It’s about security… The Enrollment Process LinOTP Self Service Portal The Problem The Solution - an exclusive rollout token How to appoint a rollout token The rollout procedure of the User Token Remove unrequired rollout token automatically 6.1.3. E-mail token with notification & templates 6.1.4. Read the audit trail via the API 6.1.5. Read the Token Info via the API 6.1.6. Indices and tables 6.2. Configuration - HOW-TOs 6.2.1. Provide CA certificates for HTTPS and LDAPS in the system store Certificate chains for UserIdResolvers on OS level Providing the CA_Certificate Converting PKCS#7 from the Windows PKI 6.2.2. Disable the autoresync function 6.2.3. Indices and tables 6.3. Infrastructure - HOW-TOs 6.3.1. Two-Factor SSH Authentication with LinOTP 1 Introduction 2 Prerequisites 3 Direct authentication via LinOTP web interface (no RADIUS server needed) 3.1 pam_linotp 3.2 pam_py_linotp 4 Authentication via RADIUS 4.1 Connect to RADIUS via PAM (libpam-radius-auth) 5 Final Configuration of the SSH server 6 Test 6.3.2. Indices and tables 6.4. Indices and tables# Index Module Index Search Page