linotp.lib.ImportOTP.yubico module

read the CSV data as created by the Yubico personalization GUI.


According to yubikey manual 5.5.5 the static-ticket is the same algorith with no moving factors. The msg_hex that is encoded with the aes key is



This function reads the CSV data as created by the Yubico personalization GUI.

Traditional Format: Yubico OTP,12/11/2013 11:10,1,vvgutbiedkvi,ab86c04de6a3,d26a7c0f85fdda28bd816e406342b214,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 OATH-HOTP,11.12.13 18:55,1,cccccccccccc,,916821d3a138bf855e70069605559a206ba854cd,,,0,0,0,6,0,0,0,0,0,0 Static Password,11.12.13 19:08,1,,d5a3d50327dc,0e8e37b0e38b314a56748c030f58d21d,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

Yubico Format: # OATH mode 508326,,0,69cfb9202438ca68964ec3244bfa4843d073a43b,,2013-12-12T08:41:07, 1382042,,0,bf7efc1c8b6f23604930a9ce693bdd6c3265be00,,2013-12-12T08:41:17, # Yubico mode 508326,cccccccccccc,83cebdfb7b93,a47c5bf9c152202f577be6721c0113af,,2013-12-12T08:43:17, # static mode 508326,,,9e2fd386224a7f77e9b5aee775464033,,2013-12-12T08:44:34,

column 0: serial column 1: public ID in yubico mode column 2: private ID in yubico mode, 0 in OATH mode, blank in static mode column 3: AES key

BUMMER: The Yubico Format does not contain the information, which slot of the token was written.

If now public ID or serial is given, we can not import the token, as the returned dictionary needs the token serial as a key.

It returns a dictionary with the new tokens to be created:

serial: { ‘type’yubico,

‘hmac_key’ : xxxx, ‘otplen’ : xxx, ‘description’ : xxx

