linotp.lib.auth.finishtokens module¶
- class linotp.lib.auth.finishtokens.FinishTokens(valid_tokens, challenge_tokens, pin_matching_tokens, invalid_tokens, validation_results, user, options, audit_entry=None)¶
- create_audit_entry(action_detail='no token found!', tokens=None)¶
setting global audit entry
- Parameters
tokens –
action_detail –
- finish_challenge_token()¶
processing of the challenge tokens
- finish_checked_tokens()¶
main entry to finalise the involved tokens
- finish_invalid_tokens()¶
- finish_pin_matching_tokens()¶
check, if there have been some tokens where the pin matched (but OTP failed and increment only these
- finish_valid_tokens()¶
processing of the valid tokens
- static increment_failcounters(all_tokens)¶
- static reset_failcounter(all_tokens)¶
- linotp.lib.auth.finishtokens.janitor_to_remove_enrollment_token(valid_tokens)¶
remove all enrollment only tokens