linotp.tokens.ocra2token package

Description of OCRA algorithm:

OcraSuite = CryptoFunction(K, DataInput)

CryptoFunction = HOTP-H-n
    H in { SHA-1, SHA256, SHA512 }
    n - truncation 4-10 or 0 (= no truncation)

DataInput = OCRASuite | 00 | C | Q | P | S | T
    OCRASuite - mode of operation
    C - Counter (optional)
    Q - Challenge
    P - hashed password/pin (optional)
    S - session information (optional)
    T - timestamp (optional)

[C] | QFxx | [PH | Snnn | TG] : Challenge-Response computation

[C] | QFxx | [PH | TG] : Plain Signature computation

Each input that is used for the computation is represented by a
single letter (except Q) as and they are separated by a hyphen.

+ Q: Challenge +
The input for challenge is further qualified by the formats supported
by the client for challenge question(s).  Supported values can be:

                |    Format (F)    | Up to Length (xx) |
                | A (alphanumeric) |       04-64       |
                |    N (numeric)   |       04-64       |
                |  H (hexadecimal) |       04-64       |

                    Table 2: Challenge Format Table

The default challenge format is N08, numeric and up to 8 digits.

+ P: Pin +
The input for P is further qualified by the hash function used for
the PIN/password.  Supported values for hash function can be:

Hash function (H) - SHA1, SHA256, SHA512.

The default hash function for P is SHA1.

+ S: Session +
The input for S is further qualified by the length of the session
data in bytes.  The client and server could agree to any length but
the typical values are:

Length (nnn) - 064, 128, 256, and 512.

The default length is 064 bytes.

The input for timestamps is further qualified by G, size of the time-
step.  G can be specified in number of seconds, minutes, or hours:

        | Time-Step Size (G) |           Examples           |
        |       [1-59]S      | number of seconds, e.g., 20S |
        |       [1-59]M      |  number of minutes, e.g., 5M |
        |       [0-48]H      |  number of hours, e.g., 24H  |

                    Table 3: Time-step Size Table

Default value for G is 1M, i.e., time-step size is one minute and the
T represents the number of minutes since epoch time [UT].

OCRASuite = 'Algorithm:CryptoFunction:DataInput'


- OcraSuite-1: OcraSuite Version 1
- HOTP-SHA512-8: HTOP mit SHA512 verkuerzt auf 8 Ziffern
- C-QN08-PSHA1:

- C: mit counter
- QN08: numerische Challenge bis zu 8 Ziffern
- PSHA1: SHA1 des Passworts


- OcraSuite-1: OcraSuite Version 1
- HOTP-SHA256-6: HTOP mit SHA256 verkuerzt auf 6 Ziffern
- QA10-T1M:

- QA10: alphanumerische Challenge bis zu 10 Zeichen.
- T1M: Timestamp Counter (time step = 1 minute)

'ocrasuite' in unit tests:




When computing a response, the concatenation order is always the

                            YOUR-GENERATED-CHALLENGE-QUESTION | P| S | T

If a value is empty (i.e., a certain input is not used in the
computation) then the value is simply not represented in the string.

The counter on the token or client MUST be incremented every time a
new computation is requested by the user.  The server's counter value
MUST only be incremented after a successful OcraSuite authentication.

            CLIENT                                   SERVER
            (PROVER)                                 VERIFIER)
                |                                        |
                |   Verifier sends challenge to prover   |
                |   Challenge = Q                        |
                |                                        |
                |   Prover Computes Response             |
                |   R = OcraSuite(K, {[C] | Q | [P | S | T]}) |
                |   Prover sends Response = R            |
                |                                        |
                |  Verifier Validates Response           |
                |  If Response is valid, Server sends OK |
                |  If Response is not,  Server sends NOK |
                |                                        |

        CLIENT                                             SERVER
        (PROVER)                                          (VERIFIER)
        |                                                  |
        |   1. Client sends client-challenge               |
        |   QC = Client-challenge                          |
        |                                                  |
        |   2. Server computes server-response             |
        |      and sends server-challenge                  |
        |   RS = OcraSuite(K, [C] | QC | QS | [S | T])          |
        |   QS = Server-challenge                          |
        |   Response = RS, QS                              |
        |                                                  |
        |   3. Client verifies server-response             |
        |      and computes client-response                |
        |   OcraSuite(K, [C] | QC | QS | [S | T]) != RS -> STOP |
        |   RC = OcraSuite(K, [C] | QS | QC | [P | S | T])      |
        |   Response = RC                                  |
        |                                                  |
        |   4. Server verifies client-response             |
        |   OcraSuite(K, [C] | QS | QC | [P|S|T]) != RC -> STOP |
        |   Response = OK                                  |
        |                                                  |
class linotp.tokens.ocra2token.OcraSuite(ocrasuite, secretObject=None)

Bases: object




checkOtp(passw, counter, window, ocraChallenge, pin='', options=None, timeshift=0)

check the given passw

  • passw – the otp to verified

  • counter – the start counter from the token

  • window – the range, within the counter should be checked

  • challenge – the ocra challenge, which goes into the otp calculation

  • pin – the ocra token pin

  • options – support to identifies nonsequential otp verification

  • timeshif – for timebased tokens we support time offsets


counter of match - otherwise -1

combineData(C=None, Q=None, P=None, P_digest=None, S=None, T=None, T_precomputed=None, Qsc=None)
compute(data, key=None)

Compute an HOTP digest using the given key and data input and following the current crypto function description.


build a random challenge according to the challenge definition

signData(data, key=None)
linotp.tokens.ocra2token.dec(h, p)