linotp.useridresolver.LDAPIdResolver module¶
- This module implements the communication
and data mapping to LDAP servers. The LinOTPd imports this module to use LDAP servers as a userstore.
Dependencies: UserIdResolver
- class linotp.useridresolver.LDAPIdResolver.IdResolver¶
LDAP User Id resolver
- bind()¶
bind() - this function starts an ldap conncetion
- checkPass(uid, password)¶
checkPass - checks the password for a given uid.
- Parameters
uid (string) – userid to be checked
password (string) – user password
:return : true in case of success, false if password does not match :rtype : boolean
- Attention
First the UID needs to be converted to the DN, in case the Uid is not the DN
- close()¶
closes method is called, when the request ends - here we close the ldap connection by unbind
- conf = ''¶
- classmethod connect(uri, caller, trace_level=0)¶
helper - to build up the initial ldap / ldaps connection
- Parameters
uri – the ldap url
- Returns
the ldap connection object
- critical_parameters: List[str] = ['LDAPBASE', 'BINDDN', 'LDAPURI']¶
- crypted_parameters: List[str] = ['BINDPW']¶
- db_prefix = 'useridresolver.LDAPIdResolver.IdResolver'¶
- fields = {'description': 0, 'email': 0, 'gender': 0, 'givenname': 0, 'mobile': 0, 'phone': 0, 'surname': 0, 'userid': 1, 'username': 1}¶
- classmethod getResolverClassDescriptor()¶
return the descriptor of the resolver, which is - the class name and - the config description
- Returns
resolver description dict
- Return type
- classmethod getResolverClassType()¶
provide the resolver type for registration
- getResolverDescriptor()¶
return the descriptor of the resolver, which is - the class name and - the config description
- Returns
resolver description dict
- Return type
- getResolverId()¶
getResolverId - provide the resolver identifier
- Returns
returns the resolver identifier string or empty string if not exist
- Return type
- getResolverType()¶
getResolverType - return the type of the resolver
- Returns
returns the string ‘ldapresolver’
- Return type
- getSearchFields(searchDict=None)¶
return all fields on which a search could be made
- Returns
dictionary of the search fields and their types - not used!!
- Return type
- getUserId(loginname)¶
return the userId which mappes to an loginname
- Parameters
loginName (string) – login name of the user
- Returns
userid - unique idenitfier for this unser
- Return type
- getUserInfo(userid)¶
return all user related information
- Parameters
userId (string) – specified user
- Returns
dictionary, containing all user related info
- Return type
The return is a dictionary with well defined keys:
fields = { "username": 1, "userid": 1, "description": 0, "phone": 0, "mobile": 0, "email": 0, "givenname": 0, "surname": 0, "gender": 0 }
- getUserLDAPInfo(UserId)¶
This function returns all user information for a given user object identified by UserID. In LDAP case this is the DN, but could also be ‘objectguid’ or uidtype
- Parameters
userid (unicode or str) – user identifier (in unicode)
attrlist (list) – the list of attributes, which should be returned if None, the attributes are not filtered on the server side and all are returned
- Returns
user info dict
- Return type
- getUserList(searchDict)¶
retrieve a list of users
- Parameters
searchDict (dict) – dictionary of the search criterias
- Returns
resultList, a dict with user info
- getUserListIterator(searchDict, limit_size=True)¶
iterator based access to get the list of users to prevent server response of sizelimit exceeded
- Parameters
searchDict – the dict with a search filter expression
limit_size – restrict the returned data size to size_limit
- Returns
generator object (that yields userlist arrays).
- getUsername(userid)¶
get the loginname from the given userid
- Parameters
userId (string) – userid descriptor
- Returns
- Return type
- loadConfig(config, conf='')¶
loadConfig - load the config of the resolver
- Parameters
config – configuration dictionary, could be parameter or linotp config format
conf – configuration identifier
- nameDict: Dict[str, str] = {}¶
- now_timestamp()¶
now - insert the now timestamp
as AD starts it’s time count at 31/12/1601, when the vigent gregorian cycle in our calendar is started, we have to add the diff to the unix now timestamp, which starts at 1/1/1970
- accExp: expiry date of an user, in which case we count since 31/12/1601
not since 01/01/1601; so we add 86400 seconds to the final result. As we use this timestamp only for the account expiry, we set this as default
- classmethod parse_timeout(timeout, div=2.0)¶
- primary_key = 'UIDTYPE'¶
- classmethod primary_key_changed(new_params, previous_params)¶
check if during the parameter update the primary key has changed
- Parameters
new_params – the set of new parameters
previous_params – the set of previous parameters
- Returns
- resolver_parameters: Dict[str, Tuple[bool, Optional[Union[str, bool, int]], Callable[[Any], Any]]] = {'BINDDN': (True, None, <function text>), 'BINDPW': (True, None, <function encrypted_data>), 'EnforceTLS': (False, True, <function boolean>), 'LDAPBASE': (True, None, <function text>), 'LDAPFILTER': (True, None, <function text>), 'LDAPSEARCHFILTER': (True, None, <function text>), 'LDAPURI': (True, None, <function text>), 'LOGINNAMEATTRIBUTE': (True, None, <function text>), 'NOREFERRALS': (False, False, <function boolean>), 'PROXY': (False, False, <function boolean>), 'SIZELIMIT': (False, 500, <class 'int'>), 'TIMEOUT': (False, -1, <function text>), 'UIDTYPE': (False, 'DN', <function text>), 'USERINFO': (True, True, <function text>), 'only_trusted_certs': (False, True, <function boolean>), 'readonly': (False, False, <function boolean>)}¶
- searchFields = {'description': 'text', 'email': 'text', 'givenname': 'text', 'surname': 'text', 'userid': 'text', 'username': 'text'}¶
- classmethod setup(config=None, cache_dir=None)¶
this setup hook is triggered, when the server starts to serve the first request
- Parameters
config – the linotp config
- Returns
- classmethod testconnection(params, silent=False)¶
This is used to test if the given parameter set will do a successful LDAP connection.
- Parameters
params –
LDAPSEARCHFILTER’: ‘(sAMAccountName=*)(objectClass=user)’,
LDAPFILTER’: ‘(&(sAMAccountName=%s)(objectClass=user))’,
- USERINFO’: ‘{ “username”: “sAMAccountName”, “phone” :
”telephoneNumber”, “mobile” : “mobile”, “email” : “mail”, “surname” : “sn”, “givenname” : “givenName” }’
- unbind(lobj)¶
unbind() - this function formarly freed the ldap connection which is now done in the class destructor __del__()
- Parameters
l – ldap object
- Returns
- linotp.useridresolver.LDAPIdResolver.escape_hex_for_search(hex_value: str) str ¶
transform an hex string for a byte search in ldap, especially used for objectGUID
ObjectGUID LDAP in SearchFilters
In order to form an LDAP SearchFilter that searches based on an ObjectGUID, the GUID value must be entered in a special syntax in the filter - where each byte in the hexadecimal representation of the GUID must be escaped with a Backslash () symbol.
- To provide an example, in order to search for an object with hexadecimal
GUID “90395F191AB51B4A9E9686C66CB18D11”,
- the corresponding filter should be set as:
(objectGUID=909F9AB5BA9E9686C6CB18D )
- Parameters
hex_value – e.g. the objectGuid in hex representation
- Returns
str escaped hex representation, to be used for search
- linotp.useridresolver.LDAPIdResolver.resolver_request(params, silent=False)¶