About LinOTP
LinOTP is an enterprise level, innovative, flexible and versatile OTP-platform for strong authentication, Developed and maintained by netgo GmbH, LinOTP is scaling from small individual installations through middle sized company scenarios to Cloud-Provider requirements.
When your needs grow from a few users to several thousand users and bigger, LinOTP can grow with you and adapt to the changes in your IT environment.
Due to its highly modular architecture LinOTP works vendor-independent and supports different authentication protocols, token types and user repositories. The software supports multi tenancy, it is easily scalable, user friendly and can quickly and simply be implemented in your environment. With the help of LinOTP the highest security standards can effortlessly be achieved by our customers.
LinOTP is licensed under AGPLv3 for the server components and GPLv2 for the native GUI and command line tools.
LinOTP is also open as far as its modular architecture is concerned. LinOTP aims not to bind you to any decision about the authentication protocol or your user information storage. This is achieved by its new, totally modular architecture.
The LinOTP project provides an enterprise ready product as Open Source for the market. netgo GmbH guarantees the continued development of LinOTP for our customers and the community.
Netgo provides several enterprise level support products for LinOTP. in addition to the LinOTP Smart Virtual Appliance which runs on all hypervisors and provides a turn-key experience for LinOTP.