Update instructions to LinOTP version 3.2.5

This page offers various methods to guide you through the process of upgrading your LinOTP to version 3.2.5.

Note: If your currently using LinOTP version 2.x, the update to version 3.2.5 cannot be performed directly. The update is not urgently required because we currently still maintain LinOTP 2.12. Please contact the LinOTP support team if you plan to migrate to LinOTP 3 and wish further assistance.

Update LinOTP SVA 3 with the LinOTP mirror

This guide explains you how to update LinOTP on a Smart Virtual Appliance version 3 with an active connection to the LinOTP Debian mirror.

Note: If you are unable to establish a connection to our LinOTP mirrors from your appliances, please refer to one of the alternative guides provided.

The following steps need to be performed on all your LinOTP SVA virtual machines. It is safe to update each instance separately.

  1. Log in to the LinOTP SVA 3 CLI interface using SSH/Putty
  2. Switch to "unsupported" mode
    (Note: A recent security change prevents the update script from running in limited mode, which will be adjusted in a later release).
    root@linotp:~# unsupported
  3. Execute appliance-update.sh.
    root@linotp:~# appliance-update.sh
    Now updating the appliance ...
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree       
    Reading state information... Done
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree       
    Reading state information... Done
    The following packages will be REMOVED:
    The following packages will be upgraded:
    [master …] committing changes in /etc made by "apt-get dist-upgrade -y -o APT::Get::Show-Upgraded=true"
  4. Confirm the installed version is correct.
    root@linotp:~# apt-cache policy linotp lseappliance
      Installed: 3.2.5-1~bpo10+1
      Candidate: 3.2.5-1~bpo10+1
      Installed: 3.0.2-2~bpo10+1
      Candidate: 3.0.2-2~bpo10+1

Update LinOTP SVA 3 using the .deb package

This guide explains you how to manually update LinOTP on a Smart Virtual Appliance version 3 without active connection to the LinOTP servers (i.e. you can't ping dist.linotp.de)

The following steps need to be performed on all your LinOTP SVA virtual machines. It is safe to update each instance separately.

  1. Download the LinOTP 3.2.5 package for Debian from https://linotp.org/download/c1458260395ce7e126ed7ec95c79b515/linotp_3.2.5.deb.
  2. Copy the package to the LinOTP SVA using scp (for Linux, MacOS or Windows 10/11) or pscp (Putty on Windows).
    scp linotp_3.2.5.deb root@<your_linotp_ip_address>:
    pscp -scp linotp_3.2.5.deb root@<your_linotp_ip_address>:
  3. Log in to the LinOTP SVA 3 CLI interface using SSH/Putty
  4. Switch to "unsupported" mode
    (Note: This is required for manual package installations).
    root@linotp:~# unsupported
  5. If not uploaded to the default folder, navigate to the directory containing the package.
    root@linotp:~# cd <path>
  6. List the content of the directory and install the package.
    root@linotp:~# ls
    root@linotp:~# dpkg -i linotp-3.2.5.deb
    Preparing to unpack linotp-3.2.5.deb
    Unpacking linotp (3.2.5-1~bpo10+1) over (…) ...
    Setting up linotp (3.2.5-1~bpo10+1) ...
  7. Confirm the installed version is correct.
    root@linotp:~# apt-cache policy linotp lseappliance
      Installed: 3.2.5-1~bpo10+1
      Candidate: 3.2.5-1~bpo10+1
      Installed: 3.0.2-2~bpo10+1
      Candidate: 3.0.2-2~bpo10+1

Update LinOTP SVA 3 using the Offline Installer ISO

This guide explains you how to update LinOTP on a Smart Virtual Appliance version 3 with an active connection to the LinOTP mirrors.

Please refer to the documentation at https://linotp.org/doc/latest/part-appliance/updates.html#update-the-appliance-from-offline-installer

Update LinOTP on a native installation

This guide explains you how to update LinOTP on a native installation with an active connection to the public LinOTP repositories.

Note: If you are unable to establish a connection to our public LinOTP repositories, please download the package directly and install it with apt install or dpkg -i
  1. Optional: Download the LinOTP 3.2.5 package for Debian from https://linotp.org/download/c1458260395ce7e126ed7ec95c79b515/linotp_3.2.5.deb.
  2. Copy the package to the LinOTP SVA using scp (for Linux, MacOS or Windows 10/11) or pscp (Putty on Windows).
    scp linotp_3.2.5.deb root@<your_linotp_ip_address>:
    pscp -scp linotp_3.2.5.deb root@<your_linotp_ip_address>:
  3. List the content of the directory and install the package.
    root@linotp:~# ls
    root@linotp:~# dpkg -i linotp-3.2.5.deb
    Preparing to unpack linotp-3.2.5.deb
    Unpacking linotp (3.2.5-1~bpo10+1) over (…) ...
    Setting up linotp (3.2.5-1~bpo10+1) ...
  4. Confirm the installed version is correct.
    root@linotp:~# apt-cache policy linotp
      Installed: 3.2.5-1~bpo10+1
      Candidate: 3.2.5-1~bpo10+1